Pinewood Derby   

Welcome to your Pack 97’s Pinewood Derby headquarters.
Here you will find race rules, registration instructions and results.

We have updated the Derby rules from last year. Please be sure to read them before beginning to work on your race cars. In order to maintain a fair and competitive race these rules will be enforced from check-in inspection thru the race. Any car that fails to meet the rules during inspection will not be allowed entry into the race, however you will be given the chance to modify your car to meet the rules during check-in. If rules violations are found at any time after check-in to the end of the event the car may be disqualified at the discretion of the race officials. If you have any questions regarding the rules or legality of a potential modification please contact Ben Ripson our Pinewood Derby Chairperson


Car Hand Out – Pinewood Derby cars will be distributed during the December 2025 pack meeting. If you didn’t receive your race car please reach out to your Den Leader. If you would like to purchase a family car for $10 then please reach out to the Ben Ripson our Pinewood Derby Chairperson.

Build Day – The Pack will have a build day on a date to be determined to assist with cutting out the cars. If you need assistance please bring your car kit to the St Mark Parish Hall, the location outside/inside to be determined based on the weather.

Tech Inspection and Pit Crew – 1/24/25 at 6:30pm in the school lobby

Race Day January 25th, 2025 @ St. Mark Catholic School.  Racing and award ceremony is expected to last about 2-3 hours.

NEW THIS YEAR! - We will be running the race with DerbyNet! This temporary cloud-hosted application will allow us to have photos of your scout and their car live on screen, instant finish replays, and live results available on your phone! Results may be downloaded up to the day after the race; beyond that, they may be removed. Please visit this URL to see our DerbyNet instance!


Tips_and_Tricks (1).pdf